Friday, September 26, 2014

Internet Safety TIps

Internet Safety Tips

1. Do not give out your address

2. Don't give out your age

3. Don't give out your phone number

4. Try not to be mean on the internet

5. Only get on appropriate websites

6. Don't post photos of yourself on websites you don't know much about

7. Ask your parents before going online
8. Obey the rules on the internet.

9. Don't talk or chat to strangers

10. Do not give out personal information

Monday, September 22, 2014

Make My Mark

Make My Mark

I will make my mark in this world by making sure that no one will cut down trees anymore. People are cutting down trees to make houses and highways. The world needs to make everything digital so we don’t have to use paper anymore. I will help with that by making apps for more things like a worksheet app that teachers will use to make worksheets. The app will be able to be downloaded on any device.
Sure, we do need more housing with our growing population, but you can put houses on open land, not in the woods. We really don’t need more highways because it seems like they are putting new highways down for no reason. We need trees to survive. They provide air and oxygen for us to breathe. I will make it so that certain spots on the land is reserved for the trees. I will also make certain spots on the land to plant trees.